Meet Thomas & Mandi Griffin

My story is simple. I grew up in the glory. For as long as I can remember, my father preached camp meetings, revivals, tent meetings, and conferences. 

Rooted in Pentecostal holiness backgrounds, my family was accustomed to seeing signs, wonders, and miracles. I've seen bones pop in place, cancers and tumors fall off, the blind see and the deaf hear. I believe in water baptism, Holy Ghost infilling, and that all of the gifts of the spirit are for the body of Christ today! Jesus is the only way to our Father, and believe that Our Father desires us to know Him intimately.

I've been blessed to attend some of the greatest revivals of our time. From Brownsville to Dr. Rodney Howard Browne meetings, to the Lakeland Revival and fell in love with Revivalist worship.

At the age of 13 when my mother became ill from cancer, I began to fill in for her at our church of about 300 members. I asked the Lord to teach me and I spent most of my days hiding away in my bedroom playing the keyboard while Brownsville revival tapes looped on our old TV/VCR combo. I was that weird musician kid and I was in love!

I was in love with the presence of the Lord and gave my life to leading people into His presence. My skill has gotten better, and life is certainly a little busier, but I'm still that teenage boy sitting at the piano for hours, pouring tears and worshiping my father in the place of His presence, a place I have made my home, the secret place.

I have known from a very young age that nothing satisfies like His presence and I have a deep desire for the whole world to know that they can know God. And not just know, but fellowship Him, even more...bless His heart. Yes, you can touch God!


Passionate and committed father of seven boys, husband of twenty years, an entrepreneur, and worship leader(psalmist). Thomas has been in full-time ministry for seventeen years and grew up in a ministry home. He and His family have had an itinerant ministry for conferences, house church, and corporate nights of prophetic and passionate worship since 2015. 

Professionally, Thomas is a serial entrepreneur and digital marketer by trade with roots in corporate video engineering and church media. Thomas' music has well surpassed half a million streams and has sold over 300K copies. In His online ministry followed by 25,000+ people, his weekly writings are a heavily relied on resource for spiritual encouragement and have been featured on various online ministry publishing outlets.

Currently, this ministry is where Thomas and his family invest a majority of their time and energy. Be it writings, instrumental music albums, worship music albums, songwriting, published articles, live videos, training videos, or in-person meetings, this Ministry is an immovable staple in the Griffin family's lives. 

Professionally Thomas's time is invested in the continued growth and development of an online platform called Spirit Fuel. This platform has been a treasured resource for daily prophetic words and encouragement for over 100,000 email subscribers, and 65,000 Facebook followers.  Reaching over 2.5 million unique opens in a single year, 2020 was the largest year of growth for this company. 

The Spirit Fuel platform features relationships and publications of authors such as Lana Vawser, Nate and Christi Johnston, Bill Yount, Dr. Candice Smithyman, Demonte Edmonds, James Goll, Doug Addison, Chuck Pierce, and Beni Johnson, to name a few.


Amazing feedback from Ministry Leaders Around the World

As a senior pastor and network leader I deeply appreciate Thomas's servant's heart to minister without arrogance or pride. He leads powerful worship in humility; a rare find indeed. He is a delight to minister with and extremely flexible. His ability to lead in a wide variety of styles and his skill level is on par with the best there is.

Eric Hansen

Destiny Church and Leader of Five Fold Ministry Network

Thomas, allows God's presence to move freely and reign while he plays. He is a gentle leader. He is wise and always puts his heart in his praise, whether it’s 12 people or 1200 people.

Sean Evertt

World Renown Guitarist

Thomas Griffin is an anointed and passionate worship leader. His heart's desire is to lead God's people into the presence of the Lord, so that they may be changed by God's glory. I highly recommend his ministry to anyone desiring a God encounter.

Pastor Wayne Godsmark

Christ Central Live Oak FL

There is a difference between worship leader and worshipper in the sense one leads songs and the other lays out their life before the King, Thomas Griffin is the latter. While Thomas has the experience to lead others in a worship experience his greatest ability is to worship Jesus and other emulate until they themselves fall into a love affair with Jesus. Thomas and I cultivated a friendship during one of the most trying times for this social media. It is through that I am blessed to know anytime we work together he is yielded to the whispers of Holy Spirit.

Westley Roderick

Prophet To The Nations - Love Speaks Ministries

There are many talented worship leaders in our world today. Thomas has special gifting that enables the worshiper to go behind the veil with confidence that God has been awaiting your arrival and is excited to reveal more of Himself to you.

Author & Pastor Ronn Jones

Grace Walk Ministries

God’s presence breaks through the chaos and gross darkness as Thomas touches the keyboard. His worship answers the call to ‘come up higher’.

Author and Speaker - Bill Yount

Blowing the Shofar Ministries / Charisma Magazine, Elijah List Author and Speaker 

Thomas has a unique ability to turn any room into a throne room. He doesn’t perform, He is a true worshiper who like David has a heart after Pappa. When He worships you can feel Heaven, the angels worshiping, an outpouring of the Father’s love that begins to flood you resulting in healing, breakthrough, and freedom. I love the fact He is able to pull out of the warehouse both the old and the new and make it so powerful and relevant to the moment.

He is truly one who worships in Father in spirit and truth and takes you with Him into a deeper place of encounter.

Craig Sloan

Prophet and Pastor Craig Sloan

Thomas Griffin carries a weighty anointing and I love to hear him lead in worship. Many are healed, delivered, and healed from the tabernacle of praise that pours out from his heart. And for the modern audience, you will love is a style of social media worship.

Darren Canning

Minister, Author, Speaker, and Program Host

As pastor of a small congregation of mostly senior citizens I have missed having a worship leader to help me prepare to deliver God’s message each week. Then I was blessed to hear Thomas Griffin online as he led anyone listening into that glorious realm where true worship of our Heavenly Father overcomes all the cares and challenges that attempt to draw our hearts and spirits away from Him. Like David, Thomas is truly gifted with musicianship that transcends just pleasing the ear. It nourishes the soul.

Pastor Robert Humphry

New Hope Worship Center, TX